Our Action Agenda is designed to be an inclusive, focused plan of action for working together to accomplish environmental change in our Region. Each action item in the Agenda is based on a specific need identified through the work of WNYEA members and supports at the Annual Congress.
In selecting and pursuing advocacy around issues, campaigns, and organizational policy positions, there is an inherent tension between remaining flexible and responsive to arising concerns, and promoting a deliberate process for longer term planning. In determining an advocacy policy, the WNYEA is reminded that the organization is composed of a number of member groups who individually or in combination are free to, and encouraged to, pursue advocacy around their core areas. The advocacy policy is developed only to allow for the Alliance to express positions that are congruent to the desires of the membership. In that way the member groups can leverage their combined membership.
The WNYEA hopes to exist as a credible voice in policymaking and public opinion. Advocacy positions will allow WNYEA to enter and have a collective impact on issues important to the membership. To address these concerns, this issue and campaign selection policy envisions a multi-pronged process for considering issues and campaigns as described below. The establishment of these guidelines streamline decision-making and allow WNYEA to be both more nimble and more deliberate in carrying out its advocacy role.
In selecting and pursuing advocacy around issues, campaigns, and organizational policy positions, there is an inherent tension between remaining flexible and responsive to arising concerns, and promoting a deliberate process for longer term planning. In determining an advocacy policy, the WNYEA is reminded that the organization is composed of a number of member groups who individually or in combination are free to, and encouraged to, pursue advocacy around their core areas. The advocacy policy is developed only to allow for the Alliance to express positions that are congruent to the desires of the membership. In that way the member groups can leverage their combined membership.
The WNYEA hopes to exist as a credible voice in policymaking and public opinion. Advocacy positions will allow WNYEA to enter and have a collective impact on issues important to the membership. To address these concerns, this issue and campaign selection policy envisions a multi-pronged process for considering issues and campaigns as described below. The establishment of these guidelines streamline decision-making and allow WNYEA to be both more nimble and more deliberate in carrying out its advocacy role.